
Bitcoin module for MicroPython

Most of the classes have .serialize() method and .parse(bytes) class method. .serialize() method returns a byte array, class method .parse(bytes) parses the array and creates an instance of corresponding class.


from ubinascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from embit import ec, bip32, script

pubkey = ec.PublicKey.parse(unhexlify("03fa7024c13f5a71550237bec1d31c98f4e00acdff20a86f83c358f0cba43085ec"))
sig = ec.Signature.parse(unhexlify("3044022030c4962a980dee217de79f31f30bca8e1400f761165751012e8e989ce097559802200907e3eb97f8187b6e7597675196178579f6efe06e905a8b9692d1f7217dc940"))
hdkey = bip32.HDKey.parse(unhexlify("0488b21e0387b868958000000001fc720eba849d421f7b0e28a518e8b68c81d990a863473bad364c483b46cc60027b30a279c445ab978224b48a10a33acf89de4dbb649fef06b0797ff80f08f1f3"))
sc = script.Script.parse(unhexlify("1976a914182be9fb5788941a787b9f0927df2c74e6a0bf4088ac"))

# >> b'\x03\xfap$\xc1?ZqU\x027\xbe\xc1\xd3\x1c\x98\xf4\xe0\n\xcd\xff \xa8o\x83\xc3X\xf0\xcb\xa40\x85\xec'
# >> b'0D\x02 0\xc4\x96*\x98\r\xee!}\xe7\x9f1\xf3\x0b\xca\x8e\x14\x00\xf7a\x16WQ\x01.\x8e\x98\x9c\xe0\x97U\x98\x02 \t\x07\xe3\xeb\x97\xf8\x18{nu\x97gQ\x96\x17\x85y\xf6\xef\xe0n\x90Z\x8b\x96\x92\xd1\xf7!}\xc9@'
# >> b'\x04\x88\xb2\x1e\x03\x87\xb8h\x95\x80\x00\x00\x00\x01\xfcr\x0e\xba\x84\x9dB\x1f{\x0e(\xa5\x18\xe8\xb6\x8c\x81\xd9\x90\xa8cG;\xad6LH;F\xcc`\x02{0\xa2y\xc4E\xab\x97\x82$\xb4\x8a\x10\xa3:\xcf\x89\xdeM\xbbd\x9f\xef\x06\xb0y\x7f\xf8\x0f\x08\xf1\xf3'
# >> b"\x19v\xa9\x14\x18+\xe9\xfbW\x88\x94\x1ax{\x9f\t'\xdf,t\xe6\xa0\xbf@\x88\xac"

For some classes that have a human-readable form there is .to_base58() method and .from_base58(str) class method.


from embit import ec, bip32

pk = ec.PrivateKey.from_base58("L1168XhX8EEdkLMD6rcnt15xuUJamedVME1ksHQGck2PFp6ovuhW")
hdprv = bip32.HDKey.from_base58("xprvA1eEfjteSrXB4PEcFnyZwQMcvZWKyJvBLEEgERF5u4C2KfGxMKfANB4HbSFHRnATsXXTe1L8CmkVx8tk1EccS8CP1RoJ14hZydzMv9ZLPjs")
hdpub = bip32.HDKey.from_base58("zpub6r3T7XHeHWiLAA61Pf2kz1qgCXzQKrcW4tyC8pShKDS3qX6E1sNFZ3sBZX2wrsQfC8cVgdSPNdxT13DrGPdNCuPJPyJKzzwThd4kVCmDsBz")

# >> L1168XhX8EEdkLMD6rcnt15xuUJamedVME1ksHQGck2PFp6ovuhW
# >> xprvA1eEfjteSrXB4PEcFnyZwQMcvZWKyJvBLEEgERF5u4C2KfGxMKfANB4HbSFHRnATsXXTe1L8CmkVx8tk1EccS8CP1RoJ14hZydzMv9ZLPjs
# >> zpub6r3T7XHeHWiLAA61Pf2kz1qgCXzQKrcW4tyC8pShKDS3qX6E1sNFZ3sBZX2wrsQfC8cVgdSPNdxT13DrGPdNCuPJPyJKzzwThd4kVCmDsBz

bitcoin.ec - elliptic curve stuff

For HD wallets scroll down to bitcoin.bip32 section.

This module relies on the bindings of secp256k1 library from Bitcoin Core.

In most cases you don’t want to call constructors explicitly - use .parse(bytes) and .from_base58(str) class methods when possible.


from embit import ec
from ubinascii import hexlify, unhexlify
import hashlib

# create a 32-byte secret
secret = hashlib.sha256("my super secret").digest()
# create private key from a secret
pk = ec.PrivateKey(secret)
# get public key from private key
pub = pk.get_public_key()

msg = "Hello!"
msg_hash = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()

# sign a message
sig = pk.sign(msg_hash)
# verify a signature
if pub.verify(sig, msg_hash):
    print("Signature is valid")

ec.PrivateKey - individual private key

ec.PublicKey - individual public key

ec.PublicKey(point, compressed=True) - constructor

point is a C structure from secp256k1 library representing a point on elliptic curve.

compressed is a boolean flag used in sec() and serialize() methods. It determines what format to use - 65-byte 04<x><y> or 33-byte <02 or 03><x>. In most cases compressed flag should be True.

ec.PublicKey.parse(bytes) - class method to parse a public key

Parses a public key from byte array. Only 33 or 65-byte arrays are valid.


pub = ec.PublicKey.parse(unhexlify("026e1ef3bd2bc019574d99b9be251b4334113d16b1b60826505118cffd5112d22d"))
pub2 = ec.PublicKey.parse(unhexlify("046e1ef3bd2bc019574d99b9be251b4334113d16b1b60826505118cffd5112d22dce187696b60ad6bc6b9c443a7db5ad2628c1b181a835197fe12076241de5fca8"))

.serialize() and .sec()

Return a byte array with the public key serialized in SEC format. Length of the array is 33 bytes if compressed is True, otherwise 65 bytes.

.verify(sig, msg_hash)

Verifies ECDSA signature (sig) against the hash of the message msg_hash.

sig should be an instance of the ec.Signature class, msg_hash should be a 32-byte array (sha256(msg))

Returns True if the signature is valid, otherwise False.

ec.Signature - ECDSA signature

bitcoin.bip39 - recovery phrases

Functions to manage recovery phrases defined in BIP-39


from embit import bip39
from ubinascii import hexlify
import hashlib

# create initial entropy, 16 bytes for example
entropy = hashlib.sha256("my very random entropy").digest()[:16]

# convert it to bip39 mnemonic
phrase = bip39.mnemonic_from_bytes(entropy)
# >> lab blade movie crater bulb only prize cloth unfold smile boring talent

# convert it to 64-byte seed
seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(phrase, password="super secure password111")
# >> d6aeb152aab2acb374299afe7058bc95ead89bad5daaae57d804dd10c926249f
#    1088778ee95e78a9caea4981b9459cb1048648a73387598606854fb4121bd610


Converts a byte array with entropy to a recovery phrase (mnemonic). Minimal entropy length is 16 bytes that returns 12 words phrase. Every 4 extra bytes add 3 more words to the phrase, maximum is 32 bytes - 24 words.


Converts the recovery phrase to entropy byte array. It will throw an error if recovery phrase is invalid.

bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(phrase, password="")

Converts a recovery phrase and a password to a 64-byte seed that can be used for HD keys (bitcoin.bip32)


Returns True if recovery phrase is valid according to BIP-39, otherwise - False

bip39.find_candidates(word_part, nmax=5)

Returns a list of words that start with word_part, maximum - nmax. Can be useful for autocomplete of words based on first letters.

bitcoin.bip32 - HD wallets

Classes for HD wallets defined in BIP-32

Both HD private key and HD master key share the same class - bip32.HDKey.


from embit import bip32, bip39
from embit.networks import NETWORKS

seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed("lab blade movie crater bulb only prize cloth unfold smile boring talent")

root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed)
# >> xprv9s21ZrQH143K3pq9NL6GJNTTwwRfqLy8ckXXbzki8yrKd1rad2UdYsNu9oftEZ
#    Gf2Hj9B5WAaZrwE4WqM3jp8fTrUQhifhq2t9BVRyqtQjV

print("\nBIP-84 - native segwit")
# derive account according to bip44
bip84_xprv = root.derive("m/84h/1h/0h")
# customize version if you want to
bip84_xprv.version = NETWORKS["test"]["zprv"]
# >> vprv9LMG32yessLFzJtt9VKN9oZZppxGyrrmZ8V81LyqXtYxvD2ncVHjUahwzqNmNM
#    8SwC7w81UZzqUTYbBvAXi1YJKmWNPK8sYRwTgXwELxbmS

# corresponding master public key:
bip84_xpub = bip84_xprv.to_public()
# >> vpub5ZLcSYWYiEtZCnyMFWrNWwWJNrnmPKacvMQiojPT6E5wo1MwA2bz2P2Rr8Zt9E
#    VrZtdZMM4kAyhyyWLryV9r4UpqAvYVzrDiB4CoheUwiou


Example: source code, try online


Example: source code, try online

bitcoin.psbt - Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions

Example: source code, try online


bitcoin.networks - a few network constants

bitcoin.hashes - one-line hash functions



bitcoin.compact - compact int tools